question bank

ME6401 Question Bank KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY Regulation 2013 Anna University


ME6401 Question Bank KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY Regulation 2013 Anna University

Sample for ME6401 Question Bank:

1. Define ‘degrees of freedom’.

2. What is meant by spatial mechanism?

3. Classify the constrained motion.

4. What is meant by number synthesis?

5. What are the some important inversions of four chain mechanism?

6. What is toggle position?

7. What is pantograph?

8. What are the applications of single slider crank mechanism?

9. Give some examples for kinematics pairs.

10. Discuss Elliptical trammel

11. What is movability?

12. What is meant by transmission angle?

13. What is meant by Ackermann steering?

14. Write down the Grashof’s Law for a four bar mechanism?

15. What is meant by motion adjustment mechanism?

16. Whether a cycle chain is kinematic chain or not?

17. Define instantaneous centre & instantaneous axis?

18. What is link? What are the different types of links?

19. What is meant by spatial mechanism?

20. What is the use of oldham’s coupling?


1. a) Explain different types of Link. (8)

b) Classify and explain the Kinematic pair. (8)

2. a) Explain any two inversion of four bar chain. (8)

b) Explain the first inversion of Single Slider Crank Chain. (8)

3. Explain first inversion of Double Slider crank chain. (8)

4. Explain third inversion of double slider crank chain. (8)

5. a) Explain the offset slider crank mechanism. (8)

b) Explain Straight line mechanism with neat sketch (8)

6. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Oldham’s coupling.

7. Explain steering gear mechanism with neat sketch

8. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Whitworth quick return mechanism.

9. With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Single slider and double slider crank chain mechanism.

Subject Code Me6401
Regulation 2013
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