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EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C Question Bank EC8393 pdf free download.

Sample EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

1 Distinguish between high level language and low level language.
BTL -4

2 Compare the Compiler and Interpreter.
BTL -2

3 Define programming language.
BTL -1

4 Tell the use of return type of printf() & scanf().
BTL -1
Remembering EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

5 Assess what operation is performed when the %f, %e and %g format specifies are used to display the value.
BTL -5

6 What is a variable?
BTL -1
Remembering EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

7 Compare and contrast the prefix and postfix forms of the ++ operator.
BTL -2

8 Distinguish the terms Break and Continue.
BTL -4

9 Name the use of EOF.
BTL -1

10 Explain the various form of looping statement.
BTL -5
Evaluating EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

11 Create a C code to print the text “Data Structures” using the arrays.
BTL -6

12 Write the syntax of array declaration with an example.
BTL -3

13 Identify the purpose of null statement.
BTL -3
Applying EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

14 Analyze the need of null character at the end of string.
BTL -4

15 Discuss the types of I/O statements available in C.
BTL -6

16 How would you initialize the size of an array.
BTL -1

17 Show the declaration of a string.
BTL -2

18 Identify the features of array.
BTL -3
Applying EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

19 Show the c code that narrates the difference between do-while


Subject name Fundamentals of Data Structures in C
Semester 3
Subject Code EC8393
Regulation 2017 regulation

EC8393 Question Bank Fundamentals of Data Structures in C Click Here To Download

EC8393 Syllabus Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

EC8393 Notes Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

EC8393 Important Questions Fundamentals of Data Structures in C

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