12th Zoology

DNA – Segmenting / Fragmenting

DNA Segmenting / Fragmenting

DNA segmenting in genetic engineering refers to fragmenting of DNA
and sequencing or mapping the DNA in terms of its nucleotide
sequences. Chemical and enzymatic methods are available for the above. As
a result the genic and non-compartments of DNA can be identified.
In human beings, more than three hundred hereditary diseases have
been indentified. All these diseases have genetic background. Gene
mutations, chromosomal aberrations are the attributed reasons for the
manifestation of such genetic diseases in man. Most of them are congenital in

Pedigree analysis : Unlike animals, controlled crosses can not be made in
human beings. Hence human geneticists, resort to a scrutiny of
established matings. The scrutiny of established matings to obtain
information about the genetic characters / traits is called pedigree analysis.
Pedigree chart : Pedigree chart defines the history of a character in a family.
It is drawn up using certain standard symbols. It is also called as the Family
tree. Pedigree chart helps to identify and visualize the course of genetic diseases
in the progeny. This is especially true of diseases such as fibrosis and
phenylketonuria (PKU).


Related Topics in Zoology:

Bio Zoology All Important Topics

  1. MODERN GENETICS Introduction and Scope

  2. Human Genetics – Karyotyping

  3. Karyotyping of Human chromosomes

  4. Genetic Engineering

  5. Tools Of Genetic Engineering

  6. Restriction enzymes – Recombinant DNA Technology

  7. DNA – Segmenting / Fragmenting

  8. Genetic Diseases

  9. Human Genome Project (HGP)

  10. Cloning

  11. Transgenic organisms

  12. Gene Therapy

  13. Bioinformatics

  14. Scope of Genetic Engineering – Scope of Bioinformatics

  15. Database

  16. Genome sequencing

  17. Protein structure


    1. Human population and explosion

    2. Population Explosion

    3. Growing Population and Environmental impacts

    4. Global warming – Green house effect

    5. Ozone layer depletion

    6. Prevention and Effect of Ozone depletions

    7. Waste management – Classification

    8. Management of hazardous wastes

    9. Management of non hazardous wastes

    10. Waste water treatment and management

    11. Biodiversity

    12. Conservation of Biodiversity

    13. Characteristics of a Bioreserve

    14. Energy crisis and its environmental impact

    15. Steps to be taken to resolve energy crisis

    16. Environmental impacts of Power Sources

    17. Poverty and environment

    18. Fresh water crisis and management

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