Important question

CE6702 Prestressed Concrete Structures Important questions

CE6702 Prestressed Concrete Structures Important questions  

Prestressed Concrete Structures Important questions CE6702 free download Regulation 2013 Anna University. CE6702 Important questions free pdf download Regulation 2013.

Sample CE6702 Prestressed Concrete Structures Important questions:

1. What are the different types of flexural failure modes observed in PSC beams?
 Failure of under reinforced sections
 Failure of over reinforced sections
 Failure of sections by other modes
 Fracture of steel in tension

2. What is strain compatibility method? (CE6702 Prestressed Concrete Structures Important questions)
The method of estimating the flexural strength of prestressed concrete sections is based on the compatibility of strains and equilibrium of forces acting on the section at the stage of failure.

3. What are the assumptions made for strain compatibility method?
 The stress distribution in the compression zone of concrete can be defined by means of coefficients applied to the characteristic compressive strength and the average compressive stress and the position of the centre of compression can be assessed.
 Plane sections normal to the axis remain plane after bending.
 The resistance of concrete in tension is neglected.
 The maximum compressive strain in concrete at failure reaches a particular value.

4. What are the basic assumptions for calculating flexural stressed?
 Plane section remains plane after bending.
 Perfect bond between concrete and prestressing steel for bonded tendons.
 The prestressed concrete section will also behave like a reinforced concrete section only after cracking.
 The tensile stressed are resisted by the steel components namely untensioned reinforcement if and the high tensile steel.

5. List out five factors which influence the ultimate flexural strength of PSC beams. (CE6702 Prestressed Concrete Structures Important questions)
 The failure mainly a flexural failure, which no effect of shear, bond or anchorage, which might decrease the strength of the section.
 The beams are bonded. Unbounded beams have different ultimate strength than for bonded beams.
 Beams are statically determinate.
 Ultimate loads, obtained are the result of short time static loading. No effect of impact fatigue or long time loading is considered.

Subject Name Prestressed Concrete Structures
Subject Code CE6702
Regulation 2013
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