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Herbaria and uses, Importance of Herbaria



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Herbaria uses:

Herbarium is a collection of pressed, dried plant specimens mounted on specified sheets, identified and arranged in the order of an approved and well known system of classification.

It also refers to the institution where dried plant specimens are maintained and studied.

Example: Herbarium of Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore.

A twig with leaves, inflorescence or flowers is collected from shrubs and trees.

In the case of herbs, the collected plant specimens should contain both vegetative and reproductive parts.

They are dried by keeping them between the folds of old newspapers.

It is necessary to change these papers at regular intervals, until the plants are well dried.

The plant specimens along with their parts are dried in a plant press.

It consists of two boards with straps, which help in tightening the newspapers with specimens between the boards.

The dried specimens are pasted on the herbarium sheets of standard size 41 cm X 29 cm.

The process of attaching dried and pressed plant specimens on herbarium sheets is known as mounting of specimens.

All the mounted specimens are sprayed with fungicide like 0.1% solution of Mercuric chloride.

To protect these dried specimens from the attack of insects, pesticides such as naphthalene and carbon di-sulphide can be used.

The heavy parts of plants such as seeds and fruits are kept in packets and attached to the sheets.

When a new name for a species is suggested, it is the rule that plant specimens of the same should necessarily be deposited in a recognized herbarium.

These specimens are called type specimens.   The name of the family is always based on type genus.

These specimens are most valuable part of herbarium and they are handled with special care.  They are stored in fire-proof cabinets.

If the herbarium specimens are handled with special care, they will be in good condition for a long time.

Precautions should be taken against attacks of fungi and insects.

It is always better to use chemicals, which can repel the insects from herbarium specimens.

The herbarium is always accompanied with a label.

It carries the information about the botanical name of the plant, name of the family, habit, place and date of collection and name of the person who collected the specimens.


herbaria herbarium uses importance

Importance of herbaria

  • Herbarium is a source of knowledge about the flora of a region or a locality or a country.
  • It is a data store in which the information on plants are available.
  • The type specimens help in the correct identification of plants.
  • It provides materials for taxonomic and anatomical studies.
  • Typical pollen characters have been well emphasized in taxonomy.
  • Morphological characters of the pollen remain unaltered even after storage upto nearly 200 years.
  • It is very much useful in the study of cytology, structure of DNA, numerical taxonomy, chaemotaxonomy, etc.
  • It acts as a reservoir of gene pool studies. Because of its importance, several herbaria have been established at centres.

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Bentham and Hooker’s classification of plants

Dicot Families – MALVACEAE

Botanical description of Hibiscus and Economical importance of Malvaceae

Solanaceae – Datura metal and Economic importance

Euphorbiaceae and Ricinus communis and its Economic importance

Musaceae – Musa paradisiaca and its Economic Importance

12th botany neet school


Binomial nomenclature, ICBN


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The system of naming the plants on a scientific basis is known as botanical  nomenclature.

Naming of the plants is useful in assigning their identity and relationship.

Before the middle of the eighteenth century, the names of plants were commonly polynomials

i.e. they were composed of several words in series constituting more or less the description of the plant.

This can be illustrated with the example of Caryophyllum.

The name given was Caryophyllum saxatilis folis gramineus umbellatis corymbis meaning Caryophyllum growing on rocks, having grass like leaves with umbellate corymbose inflorescence.

Since lengthy names are difficult to remember and use, attempts were made to shorten these names.

Carolus  Linnaeus  suggested a system of binomial nomenclature.

Although the binomial system was introduced by Gaspard Bauhin  as early as 1623, it had properly been made use by Linnaeus in his book Species Plantarum.

In binomial nomenclature, every species is given a name of two words.

For example, the binomial nomenclature of mango tree is Mangifera indica. Here the first word Mangifera refers to the genus and the second word indica to the species.

The two words in combination comprise the name of the plant.  Thus the binomial is a binary name.

Hence, from the days of Linnaeus, two different kinds of plants could not have the same generic and specific names.

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International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)

International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)

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In 1930, the fifth International Botanical Congress was held at Cambridge, England to frame rules and regulations for naming plants.

The twelfth meeting was held at Leningrad, USSR in July 1975.

Based on the resolutions of this meeting, the current system of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature ICBN was adapted from 1978.

Some of the salient features of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature  ICBN:

  • The generic name is a singular The first letter of generic name is always written in capital.
  • The specific epithet is an adjective and is always written with small letters. It is derived from many sources and may consist of one or two words.

Example: Oryza sativa and Oldenlandia albo- nervia.

  • The name should be short, precise and easy to.
  • The binomials are printed in italics or The generic and specific epithets are underlined separately.

Example: Abutilon neilgherrense or Abutilon neilgherrense.

  • When new names are given to any plant, then the herbarium preparation of the same specimen with its original description is preserved in any recognized herbarium.
  • This specimen is denoted as type specimen. It is to be preserved on herbarium.
  • The person who publishes the description of any plant for the first time or giving a new name to a plant is considered
  • The name of plant should bear the author’s abbreviated name at the end of specific epithet.  This is called author citation.
  • Abbreviations were made for eminent taxonomists.
  • The name Linnaeus was abbreviated to L. or Linn., Robert  Brown  to R.Br.  and Sir  Joseph  Dalton  Hooker  to Hook. eg. Malva sylvestris Linn.
  • The original description of the plant should accompany the latin.
  • If naming the plant is from a source of error, it is regarded as ambiguous    It is also called nomen ambiguum and is completely ignored from use.
  • If the generic and specific epithets are the same,  it is called tautonym.

Example: Sassafras sassafras.  Such names are not accepted in the system of nomenclature.

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Bentham and Hooker’s classification of plants

Dicot Families – MALVACEAE

Botanical description of Hibiscus and Economical importance of Malvaceae

Solanaceae – Datura metal and Economic importance

Euphorbiaceae and Ricinus communis and its Economic importance

Musaceae – Musa paradisiaca and its Economic Importance

12th botany neet school

Biosystematics nomenclature

Biosystematics nomenclature

Biosystematics nomenclature

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Taxonomy is mainly concerned with the observation of similarities and differences that exist in the morphology of a vast number of plants.

But it has now been accepted that in general, morphological characters alone are not the criteria for distinguishing and classifying plants from one another.

One has to take into consideration, the characteristics and differences from other disciplines of science such as cytology, genetics, physiology, ecology, phytogeography, phytochemistry, numerical taxonomy, molecular biology, breeding systems and any other available sources for classification.

Biosystematics nomenclature may be defined as ‘taxonomy of living populations’.

In the present day classification of plants, species is taken as basic unit and it is the local breeding population.

Numerous disciplines of science thus provide innumerable number of datas of all the characters of the individual or a species.

This helps to clear problems concerning those plants that differ in their interrelationship, classification and evolution.

It provides sufficient genetic variations that warrants separation so as to recognise them as a separate taxon based on their evolutionary progress.

Variations in a species may be due to several factors such as genetic, ecological, physiological, population dynamic study and many other factors.

All the evidences provided by the biosystematist are taken for analysis and considered by the classical taxonomist in order to arrive at any controversial problems that may arise during their phylogenetic classification based on their evolution of species under study.

Aims of Biosystematics nomenclature

Camp and Gily 1943, coined the term ‘biosystematics’. The aims of biosystematics nomenclature are as follows.

  1. To delimit the naturally occurring  biotic community of plant.
  2. To recognise  the various  groups  as separate  biosystematic categories  such as  ecotypes,  ecospecies, cenospecies and comparium.

Methods in the study of Biosystematics nomenclature

Three important methods are as follows.

  1. It involves thorough sampling analysis of the taxonomic species under. Its population, cultivation, geographical range, cytology, anatomy, palynology, phytochemistry. Chromosomal number and behaviour are keenly observed and studied for finding any genetic differences that may arise among different populations.
  2. It includes determination of ability of different populations to interbreed. Among one another to form a variant species with its vigor and fertility.  This will reveal the presence or absence of breeding barriers between taxa at various levels.
  3. It involves the study of similarity of chromosomes in the hybrids during meiosis.

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What are the aims of  Biosystematics nomenclature ?

List the methods in the study of Biosystematics nomenclature ?

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Ecotype Ecospecies Cenospecies Comparium

Ecotype, Ecospecies, Cenospecies, Comparium

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Ecotype is the basic unit in biosystematics, adapted to a particular environment but capable of producing fertile hybrids with other ecotypes.

This ecotype is regarded as equivalent to subspecies of classical taxonomy.


The ecospecies is a group of plants comprising one or more ecotypes within the cenospecies, whose members are able to interchange their genes.

Ecospecies is regarded as equivalent to species of classical taxonomy.


Cenospecies is a group of plants representing one or more ecospecies of common evolutionary origin.

It is regarded as equivalent to subgenus of classical taxonomy.

Cenospecies of the same comparium are separated by genetic barriers and all hybrids between them are sterile.


Comparium is composed of one or more cenospecies that are not able to intercross.

Complete genetic barriers exist between different comparia.

The informations obtained from the above mentioned studies were compared with the data obtained through comparative morphology.

And geographical distributions resulted in the recognition and identification of a total variety or species.

To conclude, biosystematic study in the contemporary and modern taxonomy plays a vital role in separating and solving some of the problems that may develop in the identification of plants at the level of species.

Biosystematist provides all the necessary data in solving the real position of species that was in controversy.

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  1. What is Ecotype ?
  2. Explain about Ecospecies ?
  3. What is Cenospecies ?
  4. Explain Comparium ?

More Detail about Ecotype Click here

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Bentham and Hooker’s classification of plants

Dicot Families – MALVACEAE

Botanical description of Hibiscus and Economical importance of Malvaceae

Solanaceae – Datura metal and Economic importance

Euphorbiaceae and Ricinus communis and its Economic importance

Musaceae – Musa paradisiaca and its Economic Importance

12th botany neet school




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Taxonomy is concerned with the laws governing the classification of plants.

The term taxonomy includes two Greek words taxis – arrangement and nomos – laws. Plant taxonomy is other name for systematic botany.

Classification, identification, description and naming the plants are the bases of plant taxonomy.

The taxonomic knowledge about the plants is based on their form and structure.

The knowledge gained through taxonomy is useful in the fields of medicine, agriculture, forestry, etc.

The ultimate aim of classification is to arrange plants in an orderly sequence based upon their similarities.

The closely related plants are kept within a group and unrelated plants are kept far apart in separate groups.

The other aim of classification is to establish phylogenetic relationships among the different groups of plants.

The plants that are closely related show more similarities than differences.

The earliest systems of classification were simple and based on one or few characters.  They gave importance to vegetative characters.

The later systems of classification gave more importance to floral characters because floral characters are more stable and permanent.


  1. What is taxonomy of Angiosperms?
  2. What is the other name for plant taxonomy?
  3. List the any three fields in which taxonomy is used?

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12th standard botany explanation TAXONOMY OF ANGIOSPERMS

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Types of classification for taxonomists:

The different types of classification proposed by earlier taxonomists can be broadly categorized into three systems– artificial, natural and phylogenetic.

Artificial system

It was based on one or at most only a few superficial characters.  In 1753, Carolus  Linnaeus  of Sweden published his book “ Species Plantarum”  wherein he described 7,300 species.

He divided the plants into 24 classes based on number, union, length and certain other characters of stamens.   Hence, this system is also known as sexual system of classification.

In those days, it was an important over other systems of classification.  The importance of floral characters was felt by Linnaeus and his classification was more important than others.

The main defect of this system is that totally unrelated plants are brought together in a single group and those that are closely related plants are placed in widely separated groups.

For example, plants belonging to Zingiberaceae of Monocotyledons and that of Anacardiaceae of Dicotyledons had been placed in one group called Monandria, as these possess only one stamen.

Another defect  of  this  system  was  that  no importance was given to either natural or phylogenetic relationships among different groups of plants.


The explanation about natural system in classification of taxonomy is provided below

Natural system

In this system of classification, plants are classified based on their natural affinities. More number of characters are taken into consideration in this system.

It is mainly based on all the informations that were available during the time of direct observation of plants.

The most important natural system of classification of seed plants was proposed by two British botanists George Bentham  and Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker.

It helps to determine the relationships between various groups of plants.  However, it does not attempt to bring out evolutionary relationships among different groups of plants.



Phylogenetic system

This system is based on evolutionary sequence as well as genetic relationships among different groups of plants.

In addition to this, it employs as many taxonomic characters as possible. Charles  Darwin’s concept of Origin of Species had given enough stimulus for the creation of phylogenetic system of classification.

Adolf Engler (1844-1930) and Karl Prantl (1849-1893) of Germany published a phylogenetic system in their monograph on “Die Naturlichen Pflanzen Familien”.

In this system, floral characters such as single whorl of perianth or no perianth and unisexual flowers pollinated by wind were considered as primitive characters when compared to perianth with two whorls, bisexual flowers pollinated by insects.

According to them, members of Asteraceae of dicotyledons and Orchidaceae of monocotyledons were highly advanced.

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  1. What is natural system?
  2. Explain in detail about types of classification?
  3. explain briefly the classification of taxonomy?
  4. What is artificial system?
  5. What is Phylogenetic system?
  6. Natural classification in taxonomy
  7. Artificial classification in taxonomy
  8. Phylogenetic system of classification

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Bentham and Hooker’s classification of plants

Dicot Families – MALVACEAE

Botanical description of Hibiscus and Economical importance of Malvaceae

Solanaceae – Datura metal and Economic importance

Euphorbiaceae and Ricinus communis and its Economic importance

Musaceae – Musa paradisiaca and its Economic Importance

12th botany neet school

12th Standard Bio Botany Higher Secondary School Tamil Nadu State Board

12th STANDARD BIO BOTANY BIOLOGY Higher Secondary Second Year Tamil Nadu State Board SYLLABUS

UNIT – 1  Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Types of classifications – artificial – natural – phylogenetic. Biosystematics – binomial nomenclature – herbarium and its uses. Bentham and Hooker’s classification of plants – families – Malvaceae – Solanaceae – Euphorbiaceae – Musaceae and their Economic importance.






  5. Bentham and Hooker’s classification of plants

  6. Dicot Families – MALVACEAE

  7. Botanical description of Hibiscus and Economical importance of Malvaceae

  8. Solanaceae – Datura metal and Economic importance

  9. Euphorbiaceae and Ricinus communis and its Economic importance

  10. Musaceae – Musa paradisiaca and its Economic Importance

UNIT – 2   Plant anatomy 

Tissue and tissue systems – anatomy of monocot and dicot roots – anatomy of monocot and dicot stems – anatomy of dicot leaf.


  1. Plant anatomy – Meristematic tissue

  2. Permanent tissue , simple tissue characteristics

  3. Complex tissues , Xylem and its Kinds

  4. Phloem and its Kinds

  5. Tissue system – Epidermal,Vascular and fundamental tissue system

  6. Primary structure of monocotyledonous root – Maize root

  7. Structure of dicotyledonous root – Bean root

  8. Anatomy of monocot stem – Maize stem

  9. Primary structure of dicotyledonous stem – Sunflower stem

  10. Anatomy of a dicot and monocot leaves

UNIT – 3 Cell biology and genetics

Chromosomes – structure and types – genes and genomes – linkage and crossing over – gene mapping – recombination of chromosomes – mutation – chromosomal aberrations – DNA as genetic material – structure of DNA – replication of DNA – structure of RNA and its types.



  2. Types of chromosomes with special types

  3. Gene and genome

  4. Linkage and mechanism of linkage

  5. Crossing over, gene mapping and recombination of chromosome

  6. Mutation and classification of mutation

  7. Mutagenic agents and its significance

  8. Structural Chromosomal aberrations

  9. Numerical chromosomal aberrations

  10. Role of DNA 

  11. Structure of DNA and Function of DNA

  12. Replication of DNA

  13. Structure of RNA and Types of RNA

UNIT – 4 Biotechnology

Recombinant DNA technology – transgenic plants and microbes – plant tissue culture and its application – protoplasmic fusion – single cell protein.


  1. Recombinant DNA technology

  2. Gene transfer in plants, Cutting of DNA, Advantages of recombinant DNA

  3. Transgenic plants – Herbicide resistance in transgenic plants

  4. Practical application of genetic transformation

  5. Plant tissue culture – origin and techniques

  6. Basic techniques of plant tissue culture

  7. Status of tissue culture technology in India And application

  8. Protoplast fusion and Practical applications

  9. Single cell protein and its uses

UNIT – 5 Plant physiology

Photosynthesis – significance – site of photosynthesis – photochemical and biosynthetic phases – electron transport system – cyclic and non-cyclic and Cphotophosphorylation – C pathways – photorespiration – factors – saprophytic – parasitic and insectivorous plants – chemosynthesis – respiration – mechanism of glycolysis – Krebs cycle – pentose phosphate pathway – anaerobic respiration – respiratory quotient – compensation pointaffecting photosynthesis – mode of nutrition – autotrophic – heterotrophic – fermentation. Plant growth – growth regulators – phytohormones – auxins – gibberellins – cytokinins – ethylene and abscisic acid.  Photoperiodism and vernalization.


  1. Plant physiology – photosynthesis and its significance

  2. Site of photosynthesis and Mechanism of photosynthesis

  3. Electron transport system and photophosphorylation types

  4. Dark reaction

  5. C3 and C4 pathways

  6. Photorespiration or C2 cycle

  7. Factors affecting photosynthesis

  8. Test tube and funnel experiment, Ganong’s light screen experiment

  9. Mode of nutrition – Autotrophic, Heterotrophic

  10. Chemosynthesis

  11. Mechanism of Respiration – Glycolysis

  12. Mechanism of Respiration – Oxidative decarboxylation , Krebs cycle

  13. Mechanism of Respiration – Electron Transport Chain, Energy Yield

  14. Ganong’s respiroscope, Pentose phosphate pathway

  15. Anaerobic respiration, Respiratory quotient, Compensation point, Kuhne’s fermentation tube experiment

  16. Plant growth and Measurement of plant growth

  17. Phytohormones Auxins

  18. Phytohormones Gibberellins

  19. Phytohormones Cytokinin, Ethylene, Abscisic Acid, Growth Inhibitors – Physiological Effects

  20. Photoperiodism and vernalization, Phytochromes and flowering

UNIT – 6  Biology in human welfare 

Food production – breeding experiments – improved varieties and role of biofertilizers.  Crop diseases and their control – biopesticides – genetically modified food – biowar – biopiracy – biopatent – sustained agriculture and medicinal plants including microbes. Economic importance – food yielding (rice) – oil yielding (groundnut) – fibre yielding (cotton) and timber yielding (teak) plants.

  1. BIOLOGY IN HUMAN WELFARE Introduction & Food production

  2. Aims of plant breeding

  3. Aspects of plant breeding and Types

  4. Hybridization in plant breeding

  5. Polyploid breeding, Mutation breeding, Breeding for disease resistance

  6. Genetic engineering, Improved varieties, Role of biofertilizers

  7. Green manuring, Mycorrhiza as biofertilizer

  8. Benefits from biofertilizers

  9. Crop diseases and their control, Rice – Oryza sativa

  10. Groundnut or peanut – Arachis hypogea

  11. Citrus canker, Tungro disease of rice

  12. Biocontrol of insect pests Bacterial pesticides

  13. Genetically modified food

  14. Bio war, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in biological warfare

  15. Biopiracy, Bioresources, Biomolecules, Biopatent, Biotechnology

  16. Sustainable agriculture

  17. Medicinal plants including microbes

  18. Commonly Available Medicinal Plants

  19. Microbes in medicine

  20. Economic importance of Food plant Rice

  21. Oil plant Groundnut Economic importance

  22. Fibre plant – Cotton Economic importance

  23. Timber yielding plant Teak Economic importance