Important question

CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing Regulation 2017 Anna University

CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing

CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Mobile Computing Important Questions CS8601 pdf free download.

Sample CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing

Summarize the applications of Mobile computing. (13)
(i) Explain the features of different generations of cellular technologies. (7)
(ii) Analyze the properties required for MAC Protocols. (6)
CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing
Demonstrate the working principle of
(i) FDMA scheme. (7)
(ii) SDMA scheme. (6)
Explain in detail about the multiplexing schemes for communication systems. (13)
(i) Examine the operation of spreading and dispreading of spread spectrum. (5)
(ii) Describe the Direct spread spectrum in detail. (8)
CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing
Compare and contrast SDMA,TDMA,FDMA and CDMA schemes.

Illustrate the transmitter and receiver and explain the working principle of FHSS. (13)

Generalize the role of various codes used in CDMA and explain the working of CDMA scheme. (13)

Describe the operations of the following technologies
(i) Fixed TDM. (4)
(ii) Classical ALOHA. (4)
(iii)Slotted ALOHA. (5)

Explain the different categories of MAC protocols in detail. (13)

(i) Hidden terminal and Exposed terminal problem. (7)
(ii) Far and Near Terminal problem. (6)

Summarize the Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols.

Generalize the roles and application environments of mobile computing. (15)
CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing
What do you understand by 2.5G? Mention few characteristics of this technology. Analyze how it differs from 2G and 3G. (15)

Do you agree with the following statement: “In CSMA/CD protocol, when two nodes transmit on a shared medium, a collision can occur only when two nodes start transmitting exactly at the same instant?” Explain your answer. (15)
CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing
What is MACA protocol? In which environment is it suitable? Briefly expain its working. Compose a solution to solve the hidden and


Subject name Mobile Computing
Short Name MC
Semester 6
Subject Code CS8601
Regulation 2017 regulation

CS8601 Important Questions Mobile Computing Click Here To Download

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CS8601 Mobile Computing Notes

CS8601 Mobile Computing Question Bank

CS8601 Mobile Computing Question Paper

Important question

CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence Regulation 2017 Anna University

CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence

CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Artificial Intelligence Important Questions CS8691 pdf free download.

Sample CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence

i) How did you describe PEAS description for at least four agent types? (7)
ii) How did you describe PEAS? (6)

Summarize in detail about production system characteristics. (13)
CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence
Describe in detail about
i) Simple reflex agent.(3)
ii) Model based agent.(3)
iii) Utility based agent.(3)
iv) Goal based agent .(4)

Can you apply the facts to describe Iterative deepening depth first search. (13)

Compare and contrast human intelligence to artificial intelligence with numerous examples and applications. (13)
CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence
Explain the role of Artificial intelligence in the future. (13)

Compose and explain in detail about intelligent agents. (13)

Examine the PEAS specification of the task environment of an agent. (13)

Discuss about the multi – agent systems with the help of an illustration. (13)

Describe the role of communication for intelligent agents. (13)
CS8691 IQ Artificial Intelligence
Show how problem solving agents solving contingency problems different from the one solving exploratory problems. (13)Consider the given problem. Describe the operator involved in it. Consider the water jug problem: You are given two jugs, a 4-gallon one and 3-gallon one .Neither has any measuring marker on it. There is a pump that can be used to fill the jugs with water. How can you get exactly 2 gallon of water from the 4-gallon jug ?Explicit Assumptions: A jug can be filled from the pump, water can be poured out of a jug on to the ground ,water can be poured from one jug to another and that there are no other measuring devices available.(May/June 2016)`CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence

Subject name Artificial Intelligence
Short Name AI
Semester 6
Subject Code CS8691
Regulation 2017 regulation

CS8691 Important Questions Artificial Intelligence Click Here To Download

CS8691 Artificial Intelligence Syllabus

CS8691 Artificial Intelligence Notes

CS8691 Artificial Intelligence Question Bank

CS8691 Artificial Intelligence Question Paper

Important question

CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming Regulation 2017 Anna University

CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming

CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Internet Programming Important Questions CS8651 pdf free download.

Sample CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming

1. Demonstrate in detail the RIA architecture. Give the merits and
demerits of also. (13) BTL 3 Apply
2. Summarize the overview of internet technologies. (13) BTL 5 Evaluate
(i) Explain the functionalities of Webserver and Webclient in detail.
(ii) Express the information provided by URL.
BTL 2 Understand
(i) Examine the enhanced features in HTML 5.0 with a neat
(ii) Create an XHTML document that marks up your resume.
CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming
5. Illustrate the three ways of inserting a CSS to a document with
example. (13) BTL 3 Apply
(i) Write short notes on Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
(ii) Differentiate GET and POST method.
(6) BTL 1 Remember
(i) Describe the structure of the HTTP request and response
(ii) Explain about the XHTML DTD with an example.
(6) BTL 6 Create
(i) Discuss the basic structure of HTML5.
(ii) Write and discuss a program in HTML using image tag, font
tag, hyperlink tag.
CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming
Write and discuss an HTML script which creates a web page which
should display some of the egg. Colleges in Tamil Nadu in a tabular
form with name, address and URL of the web site of the college. A
candidate should select the required department which is listed as
items from a form. Candidate’s selection should be consolidated and
displayed finally.
CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming
(i) State and explain the various HTML elements in detail.
(ii) Explain the way in which data can be presented in a tabular
form using HTML.
CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming
(i) Summarize the difference between HTML and XHTML.
(ii) Create a webpage using background-image property where the
code has to written in XHTML.

Subject name Internet Programming
Short Name IP
Semester 6
Subject Code CS8651
Regulation 2017 regulation

CS8651 Important Questions Internet Programming Click Here To Download 

CS8651 Internet Programming Syllabus

CS8651 Internet Programming Notes

CS8651 Internet Programming Question Bank

CS8651 Internet Programming Question Paper


Important question

IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication Regulation 2017 Anna University

IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication

IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Mobile Communication Important Questions IT8602 pdf free download.

Sample IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication

(i) What is Mobile Computing? Explain its applications in the real
world scenario. (7)
(ii) Differentiate between mobile computing and wireless networking.
IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication
(i) Classify the generations of mobile communication technologies.
(ii) Apply mobile computing to design Taxi dispatcher and monitoring
service. Explain the components in detail. (5)

(i) Explain hidden and exposed terminal problem in infrastructureless
network. (7)
(ii) Describe architecture of mobile computing.(6)
IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication
(i) Describe the important functional difference between 1G, 2G and
3G cellular networks.(8)
(ii) Is 3G cellular wireless technology superior to 2G technology?
Justify your answer. (5)
IT8602 IQ Mobile Communication
5. Explain the various taxonomy of MAC protocols in detail. (13) BTL3 Applying
6. (i) Explain the wireless MAC issues in detail. (7)
(ii) Illustrate the working of SDMA and gives its application. (6)
BTL2 Understanding
7. What are the fixed assignment schemes of MAC protocol? Explain
their mechanism in detail. Compare and contrast them. (13)
BTL1 Remembering
8. Differentiate between FDMA, TDMA and CDMA. (13) BTL1 Remembering
9. Discuss the basic scheme of the CDMA protocol. (13)

11. Explain the various random assignment schemes that are used in MAC
protocol. (13)
IT8602 IQ Mobile Communication
12. What is MACA protocol? In which environment is it suitable? Briefly
explain its working. (13)
BTL4 Analyzing
13. Explain why MAC scheme in wired network fail in wireless networks.
IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication
14. Name any one scheduled based MAC protocol and explain in detail.

Subject name Mobile Communication
Short Name MC
Semester 6
Subject Code IT8602
Regulation 2017 regulation

IT8602 Important Questions Mobile Communication Click Here To Download 

IT8602 Mobile Communication Syllabus

IT8602 Mobile Communication Notes

IT8602 Mobile Communication Question Bank

Important question

IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence Regulation 2017 Anna University

IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence

IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Computational Intelligence Important Questions IT8601 pdf free download.

Sample IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence

1 Describe informed search strategies with an example. (13)
List the advantages and limitations of Genetic Algorithm. State the taxonomy of the crossover operator. (13)
IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence
3 Define A* search algorithm. Discuss about the admissibility of A* algorithm. (13)
List and describe the problem characteristics that need to be considered for selecting appropriate heuristics for a given class of problems. (13)
5 (i) Distinguish A* and AO * algorithm with each other. (6)

Demonstrate why some times unnecessary backward propagation occurs in AND OR graph. (7)
Infer in details about Rule Based Systems with some examples. (13)
IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence
7 i. Give the characteristics of AI problems? Explain with example (7) ii.Express what is Control Strategy and Production System? How this is helpful in AI (6)
Write short notes on Expert system tools and expert system shell. (13)
How is AI useful in game playing techniques. Describe what is adversarial search? (13)
i. Illustrate the role of knowledge engineer, domain expert and an end user in an expert system. (6)
ii.Explain the difficulties involved in developing an expert system. (7)
IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence
Point out the procedures of genetic algorithms and what are the different genetic representations
(i) Infer what is alpha beta pruning / search. (7) (ii) Explain MINIMAX search technique / algorithm with an example.(6)
13 Draw the state space graph of Hill climbing search. What are the draw backs of this algorithm? Also discuss about time space complexity of this algorithm (13)
IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence
Consider the block world problem with four blocks A,B,C,D with the start and goal states given below,

Subject name Computational Intelligence
Short Name CI
Semester 6
Subject Code IT8601
Regulation 2017 regulation

IT8601 Important Questions Computational Intelligence Click Here To Download 

IT8601 Computational Intelligence Syllabus

IT8601 Computational Intelligence Notes

IT8601 Computational Intelligence Question Bank

Important question

IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING Regulation 2017 Anna University

IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING

IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. SOFTWARE TESTING Important Questions IT8076 pdf free download.

Sample IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING

1 Elaborate on the principles of software testing. 13 BTL-4 Analyzing
2 (a) Describe about the components of software development process. 06 BTL-1 Remembering
(b) List and discuss the technological developments that are causing
organizations to revise their approach to testing.
07 IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING
3 Write short notes on the list given below
(a) Cost of defect. (b) Elements of Engineering disciplines

4a Discuss in detail about the testing axioms. 06 BTL-2 Understanding
4b Explain defect classification in detail. 07 BTL-2 Understanding
5a Write short notes on Origins of defects 07 BTL-5 Evaluating
5b Explain the various origins of defects. Explain the major classes of defects
in the software artifacts.
06 IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING
6 Short notes on a) Precision and accuracy b) Verification and validation 6+7 BTL-2 Understanding
7a Explain in detail about defect repository. 06 BTL-4 Analyzing
7b Analyze the Role of process in Software quality. 07 BTL-4 Analyzing
8 Why it is important to meticulously inspect test result and discover the
drawbacks incase if you fail to inspect ? Illustrate with example?
IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING
9 Give an Overview of the Testing Maturity Model(TMM) & the test related
activities that should be done for V-model architecture.
13 BTL-4 Analyzing
10a Describe the various software testing activities. 06 BTL-1 Remembering
10b Define correctness, reliability, integrity, interoperability. Discuss how these
are related to testing.

11a Why it is necessary to develop test cases for both valid
and invalid input condition?

11b How important to document a product? How will you test requirement and
design document?

Short Name ST
Semester 6
Subject Code IT8076
Regulation 2017 regulation

IT8076 Important Questions SOFTWARE TESTING Click Here To Download 


Important question

CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia Regulation 2017 Anna University

CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia

CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Computer Graphics and Multimedi Important Questions CS8092 pdf free download.

Sample CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia

1. (i) Describe about the properties of a circle. (7)
(ii) Describe pen and brush attribute options. (6)
BTL 1 Remembering
2. Use the midpoint method to derive decision parameters for
generating points along a straight line path with slope in the range
0<m<1. Compose that the midpoint decision parameters are the same
as those in the Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm. CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia
3. Describe about the Bresenham’s ellipse drawing algorithm. (13) BTL 1 Remembering
4. Using midpoint circle algorithm calculate the pixel that will be put
ON for an origin center at (4,5) of a circle with radius 4. (13)
BTL 5 Evaluating
5. (i)Compare and contrast between the RGB and CMY color
(ii)Summarize about CIE color model. What are its advantages?(6)
CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia
6. (i)Discuss about the properties of light.(7)
(ii)Interpret light sources in detail.(6)
BTL 2 Understanding
7. (i)Depict and discuss the HSV and HLS color models in detail.(7)
(ii)Discuss briefly on standard primaries and chromaticity
BTL 2 Understanding
8. Make a detailed comparison of all color models.(13) BTL 4 Analysing
9. Explain in detail about halftone patterns and dithering techniques in
CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia
10. Explain attributes of output primitives.(13) BTL 4 Analysing
11. Illustrate the basic illumination model in detail.(13) BTL 3 Applying
12. Describe about the various types of shading?(13) BTL 1 Remembering
13. Write a short notes on RGB and HSV color models.(13)CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia
14. Explain the basic concepts of Midpoint ellipse algorithm. Apply the
decision parameter for the algorithm and write down the algorithm
steps. (13)CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Subject name Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Short Name CGM
Semester 6
Subject Code CS8092
Regulation 2017 regulation

CS8092 Important Questions Computer Graphics and Multimedia Click Here To Download 

CS8092 Computer Graphics and Multimedia Syllabus

CS8092 Computer Graphics and Multimedia Notes

CS8092 Computer Graphics and Multimedia Question Bank

Important question

CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics Regulation 2017 Anna University

CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics

CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Big Data Analytics Important Questions CS8091 pdf free download.

Sample CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics

List the main characteristics of big data architecture with a neat schematic diagram.(13)
CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics
Explain in detail about the challenges of conventional system(13)

How would you show your understanding of the tools, trends and
technology in big data?(13)

i. What are the best practices in Big Data analytics? (6)
ii. Explain the techniques used in Big Data Analytics. (7)

i. What make a great analysis? State reason with example.(6)
ii. Examine in detail the trends and technology in big data (7)CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics
i. Describe in detail about 5v‟s? (6)
ii. Illustrate Map-Reduce with example.(7)

Discuss the use of Big Data Analytics in Business with suitable real world example.(13)

i. Generalize the list of tools related to Hadoop.(6)
ii. How does Hadoop work?(7)

Discuss the following features of Apache Hadoop in detail with diagram as necessary.(13)
CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics
Summarize briefly on
i. Feature of MapR distribution(7)
ii. Explain the architecture for MapR.(6)

Explain the complexity theory for Map-Reduce? What is reducer size and replication rate (13)

Explain the significances Hadoop distributed file systems and its application (13)

i. Describe Map Reduce framework in detail. Draw the architectural diagram for physical organization of compute nodes(7)
ii.Define HDFS. Explain HDFS in detail(6)

i. Highlight the features of Hadoop and explain the functionalities of Hadoop cluster?(7)
ii. Describe briefly about Hadoop input and output and write a note on data integrity?(6)

Subject name Big Data Analytics
Short Name BDS
Semester 6
Subject Code CS8091
Regulation 2017 regulation

CS8091 Important Questions Big Data Analytics Click Here To Download 

CS8091 Big Data Analytics Syllabus

CS8091 Big Data Analytics Notes

CS8091 Big Data Analytics Question Bank

Important question

EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions Regulation 2017 Anna University

EE8251 Circuit Theory Important Questions

EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Circuit Theory CT EE8251 Important questions pdf free download.

Sample EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions: 

Define Ohm’s Law .
2. State Kirchhoff’s Laws.
3. The resistance of 1.5Ω and 3.5Ω are connected in parallel and this parallel combination is connected in series with a resistance of1.95 EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions
Ω. Calculate the equivalent resistance value.
4. Summarize the classifications of Circuit elements.
5. Find ‘R’ in the circuit shown below.

(i) Derive and list the expressions for resistors in series and
parallel. (6 marks) EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions
(ii) Two 50 ohms resistors are connected in series .When a resistor R is connected across one of them, the total circuit resistance is 60 ohms. Calculate the value of R. If the supply voltage across the above circuit is 60V, find the current passing through individual resistance. EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions

Calculate the equivalent current source for a voltage source of 10V in series with a 60ohm resistance.
3. Illustrate the equivalent voltage source for a current source of 15A when connected in parallel with 5 ohm resistance EE8251 CT Important questions
4. Given that the resistors Ra, Rb and Rc are connected electrically in star. Formulate the equations for resistors in equivalent delta
5. Three resistors Rab, Rbc and Rca are connected in delta. Re-write the expression for resistors in equivalent star EE8251 CT Important questions
6. How will you express the Norton’s equivalent circuit from Thevenin’s equivalent circuit?
7. Let a network has Thevenin’s equivalent circuit with source of 5Vrmsand impedance of 50-j30Ω.Find the optimum value of load to derive maximum power from the network.

Subject name Circuit Theory
Subject Code EE8251
Regulation 2017 Regulation

EE8251 Circuit Theory Important questions  Click Here to Download

EE8251 Circuit Theory Online Classes

EE8251 Circuit Theory Syllabus

EE8251 Circuit Theory Notes

EE8251 Circuit Theory Question Bank

ECE Important question

EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits Regulation 2017 Anna University

EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits

EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits Regulation 2017 Anna University free download. Linear Integrated Circuits Important Questions EC8453 pdf free download.

Sample EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits

Define and explain slew rate. Derive its equation. Also explain method adapted to improving slew rate.

(i) Write down the characteristics and their respective values of an ideal operational amplifier.
(ii) Draw the circuit of basic current mirror and explain its operation. EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits

(i) Describe about output offset voltage. Explain methods to nullify offset voltage.
(ii) With neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of voltage reference circuit using temperature compensation.

(i) Discuss on current mirror with magnification.
(ii) Use appropriate block diagram, explain the general stages of an Op-Amp IC.

(i) What is input and output voltage and current offset? How are they compensated?
(ii) With a neat diagram derive the AC performance close loop characteristics of Op-amp to discuss on the circuit Bandwidth, Frequency response and slew rate. EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits

(i) Draw the circuit of basic current mirror and explain its operation.
(ii) Give the detail the DC analysis of a basic differential amplifier.

Obtain the expression for differential gain, common mode gain, CMRR, RI and RO of an emitter coupled differential amplifier.

(i) Sketch the Wilson current source and give short note about it. (ii) Using suitable diagram and necessary equations, explain the concept of Widlar current source used in op-amp circuit. EC8453 Important Questions Linear Integrated Circuits

Show the transfer characteristics of dual input differential amplifier showing the linear and limiting regions. Comment on the same.

Subject name Linear Integrated Circuits
Semester 4
Subject Code EC8453
Regulation 2017 regulation

EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits Important Questions Click Here To Download

EC8453 Syllabus Linear Integrated Circuits

EC8453 Notes Linear Integrated Circuits

EC8453 Question Bank Linear Integrated Circuits